Tuesday 8 November 2016

What is the potential impact of BreakoutEDU in Primary Education?

I am currently in the throws of a collaborative literature review with Emily Bagrie, a fellow Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Practice (Digital and Collaborative Learning) student at The Mindlab.  

While we started reading the available literature to identify emerging themes and contexts, we have now refined our research question to What is the potential educational impact of immersive participatory simulation games in primary education?

As I continue to add to my growing bank of Coggles, designed to help summarize each article, I realised I am sitting on a bank of research that may help others either now or in future studies.  These are likely to be of particular interest to those using key terms such as:

  • Education
  • Learning
  • Gaming Methodology
  • BreakoutEDU
  • Escape Rooms
  • Live Action Role Play (LARP)
  • Role Playing Games (RPG)
  • Edu-larp
  • Immersive Games
  • Participatory Games
  • Immersive Participatory Games

Anglického Jazyka, K., Randall, A. M., Autor, M. A., Et, B., & Schormová, B. L. (n.d.). MASARYKOVA UNIVERZITA PEDAGOGICKÁ FAKULTA Larp (Live Action Role-Playing) as a Teaching Tool.

Antonio Ferreira Randi, M., & Faustino de Carvalho, H. (2013). Aprendizagem através de Role-Playing Games: uma Abordagem para a Educação Ativa. Learning Through Role-Playing Games: an 

Barab, S., & Dede, C. (2007). Games and Immersive Participatory Simulations for Science Education: An Emerging Type of Curricula. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 16(1), 1-3. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/40186766

Burke, B.  (2014).  Gamify: How Gamification Motivates People to do Extraordinary Things.  MA, Brookline: Bibliomotion Inc

Duplessie, M. (2013). Go analogue. [video] TedXBoston. Available online at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTcl5I0Wbzk

Groff, J., McColl, J., & Gilbert, Z. (2016). Using Games in the Classroom. In Schrier, K. (2016) Learning, Education and Games (2). ETC Press: 2016

Jgmediafactory. (2012) Traditional Forms of Maori Learning Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIgw3tlavyk

Madigan, J.  (2010).  The Psychology of Video Games.  Retrieved from http://www.psychologyofgames.com/2010/07/the-psychology-of-immersion-in-video-games/

McDowall, S.  (2015).  Under the blood is learning: What students wish parents and teachers understood about gaming.  Retrieved from http://www.nzcer.org.nz/blogs/under-blood-learning-what-students-wish-parents-and-teachers-understood-about-gaming-written

McDowall, S.  (2015).  What makes learning through games so engaging? Retrieved from http://www.nzcer.org.nz/blogs/what-makes-learning-through-games-so-engaging-written-sue-mcdowall

Ministry of Education. (2016).  Game-based learning.  Retrieved from http://elearning.tki.org.nz/Teaching/Innovative-learning-environments/Game-based-learning/

Nordiclarp.org (2015). Learning by Playing - Larp As a Teaching Method Retrieved from https://nordiclarp.org/2015/03/04/learning-by-playing-larp-as-a-teaching-method/

Nicholson, S. (2015). Peeking behind the locked door: A survey of escape room facilities. White Paper available at http://scottnicholson.com/pubs/erfacwhite.pdf

Rosenbaum, E., Klopfer, E., & Perry, J. (2007). On Location Learning: Authentic Applied Science with Networked Augmented Realities. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 16(1), 31-45. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/40186768

Sellar, G. (2012). Thinking Big: RPGs, Teaching in Korea, and the Subversive Idea of Agency. In Bowman, S., & Vanek, A. (2012) Skin Deep: Wyrd Con Companion. WyrdCon4: September 12-15, 2013 in the City of Orange, California: http://wyrdcon.com/

Squire, K., & Jan, M. (2007). Mad City Mystery: Developing Scientific Argumentation Skills with a Place-Based Augmented Reality Game on Handheld Computers. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 16(1), 5-29. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/40186767

Toppo, G. (2016). Low-tech “Breakout EDU” looks to invigorate education one wooden box at a time. Retrieved from http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2016/06/30/low-tech-breakout-edu-looks-to-invigorate-education-one-wooden-box-time/86580464/

Vanek, A., & Peterson, A. (2016). Live Action Role-Playing (Larp): Insight into an Underutilized Educational Tool. In Schrier, K. (2016) Learning, Education and Games (2). ETC Press: 2016

Wiemker, M., Elumir, E., & Clare, A. (2015). Escape Room Games: Can you transform an unpleasant situation into a pleasant one? Approach for Active Learning and Teaching, 37(371), 80–88.